Sunday 11 May 2014

Asian Grilled Salmon with Zuchinni Ribbons - A 20-Minute Meal

 It's 6 o'clock. You've just walked through the door from work or after-school activities or maybe you've been home with the kids all day (all of which warrant a medal and a glass of wine.) The kids are driving you bonkers, the house is a mess, laundry needs to be done, the dog needs to be fed and on top of all that you are required to prepare the family something to eat - preferably something that does not come out of a cardboard box.  Ahhhhh!!!!!

I have just started my own business where I prepare healthy meals for local families. It's exciting. However, I am also a part-time student and, like most moms out there, I am a permanent contestant in that imaginary race that might, one day, earn me the title Mom of the Year. Needless to say, I'm a bit busy.  But, if you have been reading this blog from Day 1 you already know that processed food and quick-fixes are no longer an option in our house. I need to rely only on fresh produce, healthy proteins and good, fast recipes. This is one.

The other night a friend was telling me how she always tries, unsuccessfully, to get her daughter to eat salmon. I told her I'd share this recipe. My husband does not like salmon. Even if I'm preparing it in the dead of winter he has to open doors and windows to let the "salmon smell" out of the house. However, once the weather warms up and the grill makes its long-awaited return to the terrace salmon comes back on the menu. Not even James can say no to this super fast, super yummy marinade. 

The courgette (zuchinni) ribbons might be the fastest way you can cook a vegetable. They are a nice change to the salad that sits on most of our tables mid-week when we can't be bothered to think of a vegetable side. The total cook time for this meal is about 15 minutes but ideally you want to marinate the salmon at least 30 minutes - perfect time to throw in a load of laundry and tidy up the house!  

Asian Grilled Salmon

4 Salmon Filets

1/4 Cup (60 ml) Soy Sauce
1/4 cup (60 ml) Maple Syrup*
1 1/2 Tablespoons (22 ml) Toasted Sesame Oil
3/4 teaspoon grated ginger 
*I used to use brown baking sugar but now use maple syrup as a healthier alternative

Combine all the ingredients in a shallow dish or bowl and add the salmon. Toss to coat and marinate, flesh side down, for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Grill the salmon to your liking or until you just start to see white juices escape from the side of the filet.

Courgette (Zuchinni) Ribbons

2 large zuchinni
Swig of olive oil
1 large garlic clove, minced
a small squeeze of lemon
salt and pepper

Grate the zuchinni on a box grater like you would do cheese. Heat the oil in a medium sauté pan until hot. Add the garlic and cook for 10-30 seconds until just fragrant. Add the zuchinni. Remove the pan from the heat and toss the zuchinni with tongs around in the pan. The residual heat from the pan should be enough to just wilt and cook the zuchinni. If you need to you can return the pan to the heat for 30 seconds. Squeeze over the lemon juice, salt and pepper . 

I made the Green Goodness Quinoa Salad (see previous post) with this last week because I had the time to make it but you can serve brown rice or quinoa as a healthy starch.  


  1. Looks really good - and easy enough for me ... Will try & let you know ...
