Sunday 13 April 2014

Pink Detox Smoothie

Many of us on the Cote d'Azur had the pleasure of attending the beautiful Mimosa Ball last night - a wonderful evening organized by some lovely ladies to raise money for Cancer. It was great fun and a measurement of its success is that we all stayed up way past our bedtimes, danced our feet sore and drank a few too many glasses of champagne - but all for a good cause!

I finally bought a Vitamix this week so I have been blending things I never knew could be blended! I have been making my own concoctions as well as surfing the internet for healthy, healing recipes. This morning, in light of the fun-filled evening I was recovering from, I had one word plugged in to my search engine - DETOX. I found a good recipe on one of my new favorite sites, Oh She Glows, and changed it only slightly to make use of what I had in the fridge. 

So, if you are like me this morning and in need of a bit of healing.........

Pink Detox Smoothie

1 small-medium beet (cooked or raw if you have a blender that can handle a raw beet)
2 stalks of celery
1/2  an avocado
1 cup strawberries (frozen preferably)
1 apple or pear (I made this both ways and preferred the pear because it made it sweeter)
1 tablespoon coconut oil
Juice of 1 lemon
1 cup cold water
4 ice cubes

Place it all in a blender and Voila!

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